October Homework Package



Thank you for purchasing the October Homework Package!  I hope that you find the ideas easy to use for your students.  There are four weeks of homework packets and one home project for the month of October. 


****Please note that you might need to install a newer version of Adobe Reader (free to install) in order to print the PDFs. 


The homework program that has worked well for me is to send the homework packet home on Monday, and the students return all of the homework on  Friday.  I have found that having homework due on Friday worked out better than having daily homework returned.  But, you might choose to use the activities for daily homework.  The activities can also be used for use in the regular classroom to supplement your program. 




I use a large 11 ½ x 14 envelope  with a  "Homework" cover sheet on the front.  I copied the page on blue paper and call  it the Blue Homework Folder/Envelope.  See sample of the envelope shown at left.  The child's name and room number was added and the folder laminated.   I use an Exacto knife (VERY CAREFULLY!) or a very sharp pair of scissors to make a slight cut on the back side of the envelope in order for the envelope to open. You might want to cut the envelope flap off, too.


This folder usually lasts all year for the students.  You might want to make a few extras for any new students you might get during the year, too.  I call this the "BLUE Homework Folder"  even though it is really a large envelope.  We also had a daily folder that had a red cover sheet on it. 

Homework Cover Sheet PDF 


I collect the homework on Friday.  If the student returns all of the completed homework, they receive a sticker on their homework folder.  I write the date and attach the sticker to the folder (see sample above.)    This is a big deal for the students to collect the stickers each week, and it seemed to motivate them to return the homework on time!  They did not receive a sticker if the homework was late.    I try to make these "special" stickers --- sparkly ones, themed ones that go along with what we are studying for science or social studies, etc.  These envelopes last the whole year!  No one wants to throw them away since all of the stickers are attached.  It was very rare that a homework envelope was lost.  Most of the kids kept their homework envelope at the end of the year in their special treasure box with all of the books they made throughout Kindergarten.  Also, parents would often donate special stickers for the Homework Folders! 


After removing the previous week's homework, I would put the new homework packet inside for the following week.  I often had a parent help with removing the old homework and stuffing the new packets inside.  That was a BIG help!  I always found it nice to have the homework copied and ready to go in plenty of time to ask parents to assist.



Pumpkin Decorating Home Project



The pumpkin decorating project can be used in one of the weekly homework packets, or you might choose to use it as a weekly homework assignment. This a letter that you can copy to send home with the pumpkin pattern. There are three different shapes of pumpkin patterns.  This gives some variety to avoid having all of the finished pumpkins the same shape.  

Pumpkin Decorating Letter  (can be edited)

Pumpkin Patterns PDFs  (3 pages)

Pumpkin Banner PDF  (3 pages)


The Pumpkin Banner is 3 pages long.  The edges will need to be trimmed to fit together in making the banner.  I tape the pieces with transparent tape and cut a bubble around the outside edge.  Then I mounted the banner on a contrasting color of construction paper.   I cut around the construction paper and then laminated the banner.  Laminating will make it possible to keep it for several years! 



This is an extra October Homework Idea page that I like to include with the homework packet during the month of October.  It gives parents a few extra ideas and hints of things that they can work on at home with their child. 









Week 1 Homework Packet


Each week there is a cover sheet to give a bit more detail to the homework packet.  Hopefully this will assist the parents with ideas and helpful hints.  I have provided this cover sheet in a format that you may edit . 



Week One Homework Packet PDF  (8 pages)


Week One Homework Cover Sheet    (can be edited)





Week 2 Homework Packet





There are six different skill pages for this week.  If you would like to edit the cover sheet to change the assignments, you may use the following cover sheet:

Week 2 Homework Cover Sheet (can be edited)

Week 2 Homework PDFs  (6 pages)






Week 3 Homework Packet




There are seven different activity pages for the third week.  "Where is the Pumpkin" is a two page little book that children make to reinforce positional words. 



Week 3 Homework PDFs

Week 3 Homework Cover Sheet (can be edited)







Week 4 Homework Packet




The fourth week includes a glyph with more detailed directions for the parents to follow.  I like to use the finished glyphs to compare information with the students.


Also included is a blank writing paper for students to write a sentence about their Halloween costume.  There is a book cover that you can print in color.  I like to mount this cover on a piece of 9x12 piece of colored construction paper and laminate.  You might want a blank, colored back cover, too.  I laminate both the front and back cover.  If laminated, the cover can last for several years!  I usually just staple the students' stories to make into a book.  You might need to use a heavy duty type stapler if there are too many pages for a regular stapler to handle.

Week 4 Homework PDFs

Week 4 Cover Sheet  (can be edited)


Please let me know if you have any questions about any of the homework activities.  I hope that you enjoy using these materials! 





