May 14-31



This has been a very busy week for us.  We continue to work on our unit on life cycles.   We have been comparing the life cycles of butterflies, bees and frogs. 





Both classes are working on our end of the year "Handprint Pillowcases"  this week.  We hope that this will be a nice souvenir of Kindergarten for each child with all of their friends' handprints.  We appreciate all of the help that our parent volunteers have given to make these for each child. 



We are very proud of our progress in our daily writing journals.  We were happy that everyone had a chance to see this progress in our Fall, Winter and Spring journals. 





End of the Year Program

We have been practicing the songs that we will be performing on Thursday, June 7.  We hope that everyone will be able to attend.  Please let us know if your child will not be there. 





                      Recycling Assembly


The City of Huntington Beach and Rainbow Disposal came to our school to tell us all about the new recycling program.  We will all be getting new trash containers to help us recycle.  Ask your child if they know what goes in each of the containers.  There will be a blue, brown and green container for each house.  It was great show with a magician!  Ask your child to tell you some of the tricks he did for us. 



   We are making a special pillowcase for each child to remember all of our Kindergarten friends.  We would like to thank all of the moms for helping us with this very messy job.  



Mrs. Edwards read "Joseph Had a Little Overcoat" to us for our story of the week.  This is a great story and teaches us a lesson.  We used a puppet in our classroom to retell the story.  Ask your child to share with you this special story!




Reviewing the letter "U" for Umbie the Umbrella bird  





Our Literacy Picnic was a great success.  We appreciate all of the friends and family members who were able to come to read with us. 







Happy Un-Birthday to Mr. S!   We are celebrating summer birthdays and loved the YUMMMY cupcakes!













Kindergarten Buddies









Fun Pictures

                                                                                         Carnival photos          





                                          Year End Picnic  

Everyone in Room 2 is welcome to join us for an End of the Year Picnic-- morning and afternoon classes! 

Where:  Summerlane Gibbs Park (the big one off Plaza)

When:  Saturday, June 9th from 5:30 until dark


Please volunteer to bring either:  appetizers (veggies, fruit, etc.) snacks (chips, dip, etc.) main dishes (easy finger food type stuff, like mini sandwiches, bagel dogs, etc.) desserts (cookies, cupcakes etc.) drinks (boxed juices for the kids and liter bottles for adults) or utensils, cups and plates. Try to bring enough for approx. 24 people.  There will be a sign up at the table out in front of the classroom!   Also, we would appreciate it if you might be able to come early to help with the set up. 

This will be a casual fun event, if you can make it --GREAT! 


RSVP  Cyndee Coots or Mrs. Critchell


Nitty Gritty Things:

1.  Our End of the Year Program will be Thursday, June 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium (MPR.)  Everyone is welcome to come and hear our songs and poems.  There will be plenty of room for grandmas and grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins!  We will also be showing our slide show of the year.  We hope that everyone will be able to attend.  We are not calling this a graduation, but your child will receive a certificate.  He/She will also receive their memory pillowcase and memory book that night.   

2.  There will be a sign-up for the End of the Year Picnic outside the classroom for the potluck or you can call Mrs. Healy at home.  We look forward to seeing everyone! 

3.  We would like to invite all dads and special friends to "Donuts with Dad" on Wednesday, June 13 from 8:30 until 9:15 AM.  There will be a flyer coming home regarding this event.

4.  Friday, June 15 will be the last day of school. 



