George Washington Ideas



George Washington Flannel Board Story

 and Student Book Set





This flannel board set also includes a mini-book for students to make.  This mini-book pictured below is written in simple, emergent level reading to help students learn important facts about our first president.  The pictures in the flannel board set match the pictures in the student mini-book.    The student mini-book is available as a download that you can print.  The mini-book pictured below is a bit distorted, but the PDF file that you will receive is clear and easy to copy for use in your classroom.  $20 includes both the flannel board set and student mini-book. 





Student Mini-book





Cherry Tree Art

We use this same idea to make Washington's cherry tree.  This one doesn't have any cherries!  The tree trunk was painted with tempera.  The tree was made using small strips of newspaper that were rolled into a small ball---like a spitball and glued onto the paper.  This took a long time to make lots and lots of small balls of wadded up newspaper!  You might want to do it in a couple of sessions.  The tree was painted green and details added with crayons.  The rolled up balls of newspaper add some texture to the art work! 



George Washington $$$

This looks like a real one dollar bill, but it was an oversized bill that I bought at the teacher's supply store to work on money.  It's fun to have the students write a story about what they would do with one dollar...or $100.  We bind the stories and put bills on the cover...copies of bills!



 Washington's Portrait


  This portrait was done using a similar style to TLC. 




  Washington Books

Picture Book of George Washington by David Adler
George Washington's Mother by Jean Fritz
George Washington by James Giblin
George Washington by Marcia Gresko
If You Grew Up With George Washington by Ruth Gross}
Meet Mr. Washington by Joan Heilbroner
Celebrating President's Day by Kimberly Jordan














George Washington Ideas


Cherry Tree Art

We use this same idea to make Washington's cherry tree.  This one doesn't have any cherries!  The tree trunk was painted with tempera.  The tree was made using small strips of newspaper that were rolled into a small ball---like a spitball and glued onto the paper.  This took a long time to make lots and lots of small balls of wadded up newspaper!  You might want to do it in a couple of sessions.  The tree was painted green and details added with crayons.  The rolled up balls of newspaper add some texture to the art work! 



George Washington $$$

This looks like a real one dollar bill, but it was an oversized bill that I bought at the teacher's supply store to work on money.  It's fun to have the students write a story about what they would do with one dollar...or $100.  We bind the stories and put bills on the cover...copies of bills!



 Washington's Portrait


  This portrait was done using a similar style to TLC. 




  Washington Books

Picture Book of George Washington by David Adler
George Washington's Mother by Jean Fritz
George Washington by James Giblin
George Washington by Marcia Gresko
If You Grew Up With George Washington by Ruth Gross}
Meet Mr. Washington by Joan Heilbroner
Celebrating President's Day by Kimberly Jordan




